City Alive was recognized alongside the Nusenda Foundation with the 2017 HUD Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Council on Foundations
“This recognition is a testament to the fact that multiple partners have been deeply engaged in our work to change systems so they work better for people, especially focused on racial and economic inclusion and homegrown job creation.”Robin Brulé, Director, City Alive.
On April 25, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Council on Foundations (COF) announced that Nusenda Foundation and City Alive, Albuquerque’s Integration Initiative, were among 10 winners of the 2017 HUD Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships. This award is a huge honor, celebrating the power of partnership and exceptional organizations that are laying a strong foundation for more Americans to succeed and thrive.
The Initiative was awarded based on five criteria: Strength of the cross-sector partnership; locally driven outcomes; lasting impact; evidence-based innovation; and transferability.
As a community-led effort comprised of over 150 local leaders and organizations that connect resources from around Albuquerque to foster a climate of innovation and entrepreneurship, City Alive was an excellent fit for the award.
City Alive’s Leadership Team focuses on four types of entrepreneurs*, all of which make up a resilient and diverse economy, and five major domains of the entrepreneurial ecosystem**, while grounding efforts in real time data and addressing racial and income disparity head on.
At the awards, HUD and Council on Philanthropy representatives highlighted the importance of cross-sector partnership to achieve meaningful results. HUD secretary Ben Carson said, “These partnerships exemplify outstanding examples of the potential impact when government and philanthropic organizations work together. Through these awards we celebrate what we can accomplish through partnership and we acknowledge that the outcomes we can achieve together are greater than the sum of our parts.”
Our deepest thanks to all leaders and volunteers who’ve invested hundreds of hours working towards realizing Albuquerque’s potential as a desirable place to live, work and prosper through this Initiative.
Leadership partners include:
- Albuquerque Community Foundation
- Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
- Albuquerque Public Schools
- APPCityLife Inc.
- BioScience Center
- Central New Mexico Community College
- City of Albuquerque
- Historic District Improvement Company
- Innovate ABQ
- McCune Charitable Foundation
- Mission: Graduate
- Partnership for Community Action
- Technology Ventures Corporation
- University of New Mexico
- University of New Mexico, Innovation Academy
- Wells Fargo
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
*The four types of entrepreneurs include: innovation led, second stage, microenterprise and mainstreet
**The five major domains of the entrepreneurial ecosystem include: business development, talent and skill development, community development, entrepreneurship and inclusion and capital availability.