Shelle Sanchez: Continuing the Conversation
Shelle Sanchez: Continuing the ConversationWritten by Josh Stuyvesant The members of the Culture of Entrepreneurship and Inclusion table agreed, whether or not Albuquerque ended up being invited into the second phase of the Living Cities Integration Initiative, their members would continue their conversations. Though officially disbanded, “[the table] was an honest representation of the community and its perspectives. It was an …
Jennifer Riordan On Moolah, Dough, Dinero
Jennifer Riordan On Moolah, Dough, DineroSince 2013, Albuquerque’s Living Cities Integration Initiative has been working on creating more jobs and prosperity in Albuquerque, from the ground up. Here’s where Albuquerque stands. Written by Josh Stuyvesant It may start with an idea. It may evolve around resources. But it always comes down to capital. So goes it for Albuquerque. So goes it …
Coffee Is Life: Pilar Westell’s Zendo
Coffee Is Life: Pilar Westell’s Zendo Written by Josh Stuyvesant Thinking back, one of the most curious things about the ‘90s was the coffee shop that stood backdrop to so many scenes in TV’s Friends. Aside from Monica’s apartment, the friends would cascade into the Central Perk coffee shop to talk the latest gossip, commiserate with each other on whatever that …
Reupholstering a Neighborhood: An Interview with Adam Duarte of Al’s Upholstery
Reupholstering a Neighborhood: An Interview with Adam Duarte of Al’s Upholstery Written By Josh Stuyvesant A new pair of shoes, a haircut, a newly reupholstered driver’s seat—these are some of the makings of that refreshing, clean slate state of mind. The feeling of beginning anew is a powerful product, especially when it leaves clients more likely to, say, get that …